What was Adam Palmer’s favourite project of 2023?
To start the new year off, we asked our Director, Adam to talk about his favourite project last year. Here’s what he had to say!
Q: What was your favourite project we worked on last year?
A: It’s a hard question as we worked on so many amazing projects last year, but I would have to say my favourite project of 2023 was definitely our Leeds regeneration scheme for Equans. Not only is it my favourite but it is the most rewarding of the projects we have worked on as it sees us maintain large parts of inner city Leeds.
Q: What are the key landscaping aspects to this project?
Since winning this contract we have delivered an unrivalled service providing grass cutting, shrub bed management, tree works and even repairing void gardens for new tenants!
Q: What are you most proud of?
This has to be the ‘Kitchen Gardens’. This has brought the community together to grow their own vegetables.
Q: Why are you an advocate for green spaces?
Green spaces are really important to the people in these areas. It creates a place for the community but more importantly, allows children to have a space to play as many that live in that area live in houses with little or no gardens.